is a platform that provides an AI-powered recommendation service and support to Shopify webshops. Instead of following the popular “other customers have also bought this” recommendation path, builds the recommendations with related products from the user’s existing catalog. In this way, it provides effective suggestions for new users that may not have a pool of existing data on customer shopping habits. initially deployed with HBase, but quickly ran into issues with the Thrift server. After a long outage one weekend, it was decided to switch to Cassandra. From research into Cassandra to proof-of-concept, code refactoring and finally data migration to Astra DB it took just 14 days. founder/CEO Chang Xiao described his relief with the new database solution:
“Everything just works now. That peace of mind is the biggest benefit to me.”
The rock-solid availability and performance of Cassandra allows Chang to focus on extending the recommendation service with new features. And that has him excited about the future:
“I hope we get to the point where we’re scaling so much that I get challenges that go beyond the documentation.”