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Company: PayPal
Industry: BankingeCommerce
Functional Use Case: Messaging, Data Store, Fraud Detection

PayPal relies on Apache Cassandra

PayPal, a leading online payment platform, utilizes Cassandra to address various data storage and processing needs. Here are some key areas where PayPal leverages Apache Cassandra:

Fraud Detection and Risk Management: PayPal handles a vast amount of transaction data, and ensuring the security of its platform is crucial. Apache Cassandra is used to store and analyze transactional data for fraud detection and risk management purposes. By leveraging Cassandra’s ability to handle high write and read throughput, PayPal can process and analyze large volumes of transaction data in real-time, enabling them to identify suspicious activities and mitigate potential risks.

Data Persistence for Microservices: PayPal has adopted a microservices architecture, where different services handle specific functionalities. Apache Cassandra serves as a distributed and scalable data store for these microservices, allowing them to store and retrieve data efficiently. By utilizing Cassandra’s decentralized architecture, PayPal can achieve high availability and fault tolerance for its microservices, ensuring data persistence and access across different services.

Event Sourcing and Logging: Event sourcing is a pattern that records every change as a sequence of events, forming a historical log. PayPal leverages Apache Cassandra to store event data generated by its systems, enabling reliable event sourcing and auditing capabilities. Cassandra’s write-optimized design and scalability make it suitable for capturing and persisting event data, providing PayPal with a reliable audit trail and the ability to replay events if needed.

High Availability and Scalability: As a leading online payment platform, PayPal requires a highly available and scalable infrastructure. Apache Cassandra’s distributed architecture provides PayPal with fault tolerance and high availability, ensuring continuous operations even in the face of node failures or network disruptions. By adding more nodes to the Cassandra cluster, PayPal can scale horizontally to handle increasing data loads and user demands.

Global Data Distribution: PayPal operates globally and serves customers across different regions. Apache Cassandra’s multi-data center replication capabilities allow PayPal to replicate data across multiple geographically dispersed locations. This enables PayPal to achieve low-latency access to data for users in various regions and provides resilience against data center failures or regional outages.

It is clear that Apache Cassandra plays a key role in PayPal’s technology offerings.

Stack Includes: Apache Cassandra

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