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Company: ING Bank
Industry: Banking
Functional Use Case: Messaging, Data Store, Session Store

ING Bank, a Dutch multinational banking and financial services corporation, has been known to use Apache Cassandra as part of its technology infrastructure. Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable and distributed NoSQL database that provides high availability and fault tolerance. There are several use cases in which ING has benefited from using Cassandra.

  • High-Volume Transaction Processing: ING Bank handles a massive number of transactions daily. Apache Cassandra’s ability to handle high write throughput and low latency makes it suitable for storing transactional data. By using Cassandra, ING Bank can achieve fast and scalable transaction processing across their distributed systems. ING Bank also created a custom, paxos-based locking mechanism to help ensure isolation and consistency.

  • Customer Data Management: ING Bank needs to manage vast amounts of customer data, including account information, transaction history, and personal details. Apache Cassandra’s distributed architecture allows ING Bank to store and retrieve customer data efficiently and reliably across all web and mobile applications. It provides a flexible data model that can accommodate the evolving needs of the bank’s applications.

  • Scalable Data Storage: As ING Bank expands its operations and customer base, the need for scalable data storage becomes critical. Apache Cassandra’s distributed nature enables ING Bank to add more nodes to the cluster seamlessly, ensuring high availability and accommodating increased data volume without downtime.

  • Distributed Data Replication: Data integrity and fault tolerance are crucial in the banking industry. ING Bank can use Cassandra’s replication features to maintain multiple copies of data across their data centers in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. This ensures data availability even in the event of hardware failures or network disruptions, contributing to a robust and resilient infrastructure.

  • Message Processing: ING Bank also built their messaging platform with Apache Cassandra.  This allows them to process real-time events and ensures guaranteed once delivery of all messages, enabling them to build applications that react quickly to changing market conditions and customer interactions.

Stack Includes: Apache Cassandra

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